The Wave times for the 2024 South32 Rottnest Channel Swim can be viewed below:
The first wave will be the Champions of the Channel (solos only), leaving the beach at 5.45am. Ten (10) male and ten (10) female Champions of the Channel are allocated based on the Champions of the Channel Selection Policy.
Soloists are allocated their wave based on their fastest per/km pace from their fastest qualifying time. If you’ve entered as a soloist, you’ll get an email from the RSCA with your allocated wave, based on the fastest pace in your qualifying swims (10km+ qualifying events between 1st May 2024 – 27 January 2025 or Rottnest Channel crossings between 2023-2025). Your race number/wave allocation is based on your average pace from your fastest qualifying swim event.
It’s highly recommended, even if you completed a Rottnest Channel crossing in the past two years, to complete as many 10km qualifying swim events within the qualifying swim window to make sure you have the best race number/wave allocation possible. For more information, you can head HERE. Your race number will be allocated based on your fastest qualifying time. All solo waves are seeded.
Tandem Solos
If you are tandem soloist, all of the above solo race number/wave allocation methods apply.
The key thing to note is that tandem solos are considered as a pair and must be in the same wave. To ensure this wave is appropriate for both swimmers’ abilities, the fastest per/km pace from the fastest qualifying time from the slowest of the tandem solo pair will be used for both swimmers in allocating race numbers.
Duos have two waves, with each wave number allocated by gender.
Team wave numbers are based on their category (the total age of the team). For your safety, the RCSA allocates the wave/cap colour that each team will leave in. If you substitute a team member and the age total changes, your team is still required to leave in the same wave, however, you’ll compete in the age category determined on race morning. The race caps for the waves are included in the race packs.
*Please note that there will be no category changes for teams once the race numbers have been set. When you collect your race pack, the swim cap colour is the wave you will be leaving the beach on.