Overall Champions of the Channel Prize Money
Overall White Caps (Solo) Prize Money
Overall Category Trophies
Trophies will be awarded to first, second and third place getters in the Champions of the Channel (male and female) category and the Solo (male and female) category. Trophies will be awarded to the first place getter and highest fundraising team in the Lavan Charity Challenge category (irrespective of age or gender). Trophies will be awarded to first place getters for duo (female, male, and mixed) and team (female, male and mixed) categories. Overall category trophies are awarded to the winners of each category, regardless of the age category entered (e.g. 56+ or 100+). These winners will be announced at presentations, where the trophies will be received.
Age Category Prizes
Prizes will be awarded to first, second and third place for each age category. Winners will receive a text message in the afternoon to claim their prize from the Help Desk/Prize Pack Collection tent.
*Please note: overall category trophy winners are still entitled to age category prizes.
Solo Finisher Prize Pack
All successful soloists will receive a Solo Finisher Prize Pack from the Association upon completion. The pack will include a custom embroidered shirt as well as a jacket, bag and towel. To see the Solo Finisher Prize Pack options, click HERE.
*Please note: Swimmers who do not complete the crossing will not be eligible for the Solo Finisher Prize Pack. Packs will be kept for one month following the Event and a swimmer who completes an out of event crossing during this period will be able to claim their pack.
If you win an age category prize, each member of the duo/team will get a text at approximately 3.00pm on event day. You’ll have until 5.00pm to collect your prize from the Help Desk/Prize Pack Collection tent situated at the finish line area on Rottnest Island.
The presentation ceremony will be held at the finish line at 5.30pm on event day.
All successful solo swimmers and overall category prize winners are requested to assemble at the front of the presentation stage at least 20 minutes before presentations. A photograph of all solo swimmers will be taken before the start of the presentations at 5.15pm.