The Metro Safety Briefing for the 2019 Rottnest Channel Swim is only two weeks away! This is a reminder that the briefing will be held on Saturday, 2 February in the Main Arena at HBF Stadium, (Stephenson Avenue, Mount Claremont) commencing at 2.30pm. But first, here are the details you need to know:
- Start time: The briefing will commence at 2.30pm sharp. Late-comers will be allowed into the venue at non-disruptive intervals via the upper doors. As per previous years, we shut the doors once the briefing starts so make sure to come down early.
- Pre-briefing activities: From 1.30pm there will be entertainment from hit92.9 and merchandise sales on the grassed area out the front of HBF Stadium. Department of Transport (Marine) will also be there for any skipper enquiries.
- Skipper attendance: We strongly recommend that your skipper attends the briefing as they are ultimately responsible for your wellbeing during your crossing. The 2019 briefing video will also be available online after the briefing for those who cannot attend the afternoon.
- Race pack collection: Race packs contain your race caps, stickers, protocols and t-shirts. These are available for collection after the briefing. Please note that race packs cannot be collected without a representative from the team attending a briefing. Race packs WILL NOT be able to be collected from the RCSA office.
- Electronic check in: In order to collect your pack this year, you will be sent an email prior to the briefing which contains your unique QR code which will be scanned by volunteers at the registration desks. Please ensure you have this QR code on your phone or have it printed off for the briefing.
- T-shirts and hats: If you missed out on ordering additional t-shirts or hats via the rego system or would like more (great gifts for your support crew!), these will also be available for purchase before and after the Safety Briefing. T-shirts are $40.00 each and we have eftpos available on the day.
- Wave categories: Once your race number has been allocated to your team, you should pass on your boat and paddler stickers to your support crew, ready for the big day (your race number is fixed even if you change categories).
- Parking and Transportation: Parking is limited at HBF Stadium and it can become congested. It is important to allow extra time to find a parking spot and for traffic delays (which are inevitable with everyone arriving for the same event). It is recommended that you ride your bike, or carpool. If you need to drive, please consider using the alternative entrance into the stadium, via McGillivray Road.
- Compulsory attendance: It is compulsory for your team to be represented at a briefing. If you are unable to make the briefing you will need to contact us at